Oga Emeka and His New Bride - Story That Touch

A story goes like this.

A man was married and the marriage was blessed with a male  child,  and after 10 years  of having Ekene, no other child came,  he became worried,  he wanted more children, the thought of taking another wife arose and over time became very strong.

Then he met a beautiful girl, so beautiful and fair to look upon, soft spoken and intelligent, but was from a very poor home,  she had dream of becoming a certified nurse, but there was no resources.  This man took it upon himself to train her,  he became a pillar of strength to the girls' family, catering for most of their needs,  soon, they began to address him as ' our in law '.

One day, the girl’s  father took ill,  this man; Oga Emeka didn’t spare any money, he took him to a good hospital,  paid for his treatment,  they fought so hard for the old man to survive, but he didn’t , he died. But  before he died, he invited the man and his daughter,  told each of them to dress well when coming. They both did. When they arrived his bed side, he took time to appreciate Oga Emeka  for all that  he has done for his family, especially for coming into his daughter’s life and helping her achieve her dream , something he could not do as a father..... He shook his head in despair and said, “God works in mysterious ways” . He took his daughter’s hand, asked Oga Emeka to give him his hand. oga Emeka stretched his hand put,  he took it, placed his daughter’s hand in Oga Emeka’s  and said ...” please take good care of my daughter,  from today, she becomes a wife, a daughter, a sister, if you will overlook the sins of your own daughter,  overlook her sins,  if you will forgive the errors of your dear sister , please forgive her errors, love her as a husband will love his wife, be everything to her . Oga Emeka answered and say, “ Papa  I will” . He prayed and  blessed them, everyone chorused Amen. All these were done in the presence of Udo’s mum and siblings.  Few days later  Papa Udo died .

Oga Emeka second handedly buried Mazi Ukpai as though he was his own father . Mama  Ekene the first wife was ignorant of all that was happening in the life of her husband,  she believed all his frequent excuses to mean business was good. Everything returned to normal weeks after the burial.  Udo had gone back to school and her exams was around the corner, no room for play, she needed all the concentration she could get . Oga Emeka was missing her, his system really need to let some of the stress out, his pleasure for mama Ekene was almost nonexistent, but times like this, Kelechi his maid of many years comes handy. He took  his car keys lying on the table, entered his car and drove home.

Keep a date with us for the part 2 of this story.

While we wait ....share your comment to encourage the writer, also suggest what could have happened from where the story stopped today . Let’s have fun.

Exclusive Story by Lilian Ngozi

1 comment:

  1. Quite a nice one,but unfortunately,its ending was not pleasant!I have the feelings that oga Emeka may put kelechi their maid in d famiy way and the wife might also take in...and at the end,Udo will leave oga Emwka for another man!!!
