Mother-In-Law Drama: Former Minister’s daughter-in-law speaks out about years of physical, mental abuse…

The story of the daughter inlaw to  Lady (Prof) Viola Onwuliri an Ex Minister who is being accused of destroying her sons marriage is still trending with many stories and revelation coming up.

If you missed on the breakout story, read it here:

Developing stories as recorded by SDK

The Story you are about to read is as told by Christina Onwuliri but coming from the mouth of Ugochukwu… Christina called me yesterday and told me she wanted her kids back and needed help… Her voice was so baby like and i felt sorry for her because I understood the pain of being away from ones children for four weeks (according to her)..I felt her pain and decided to share this story debunking that she is a psychiatric case – HERE
Ugochukwu Says…

”It is no longer freshly related to news that the former Minister of State Foreign Affairs, and later Education, Lady Viola Onwuliri is in the news again for the wrong reason. First, if not that she is being pursued by a governor, it will either be that she is found running one loggerhead campaign for one very position or the other.

This time, she is in for another reason. Unfortunately, it is gradually getting down to be in her nature for being one arrogant or trouble-engaging person. And it makes it a clear one to most observers that this iron-woman as some commentators would tag her had in the past lived as a good person under the shadows of her husband, Late Professor Celestine Onwuliri of the blessed memory.

Till his death, anyone close to the late cheerful Prof would tell you, he is a good man. How about the wife? Silence. Does it mean that the late Prof died with his goodwill, and family values? Does it mean that no one could wear his shoes? Does it mean that the vacuum is left empty? Does it mean that no one took after him? Does it mean that no one could call his wife to order, at least to control her rascality?

After the veracity of reports concerning the young lady’s marriage came public, it took me serious and quality time to know what really went wrong. In fact, I had to reach Christina’s family for a meeting. I needed to find out myself on if she was truly mad as stated by the Onwuliri’s family. Or if it was fabricated to reduce the intense pressure created by Christina’s first media release. I did everything possible to reach them until Sunday afternoon (yesterday) when I finally visited them.

Getting to their family house in Owerri, the father, a lecturer at Imo State University came out to receive me. I was observing. I had points listed by Christina’s husband against her on paper, and I needed to carefully observe so to see how true they were. First, he claims that Christina came from a poor family. But on arrival and from the gate, I didn’t see signs of a struggling people. They are not poor.

When I entered into their sitting room and sat down, Christina got called out. God! I saw light. I never knew it was her reflection. Well filled, light-skinned and fair. Very beautiful that I wondered at heart what such a lady like her will be doing in such marriage and home. She is still young, beautiful and reserved. She can still make it to another marriage. All she needs is to avoid the whole madness, accept the divorce notice in peace, and then move on. So easy I thought. Her daughters are still detached from her. Her traveling documents and academic certificates are yet to be around her, as they are under her mother in-law and husband’s custody for no reason.

Her husband claims that his late father gave Christina’s father his job at Imo State University, while it was the same man that even before knowing the late Prof had returned from overseas under the invitation of his friend, Prof. Peter Okorie to build the institution’s Faculty of Engineering in 2006.

He claims that they never knew that she was mad before they married her, yet in Igboland before marriage proposals would be established, both families would have gone to ask questions concerning themselves. And guess what? Erudite scholars like late Prof. Celestine Onwuliri and Christian Amaefula can never go into marriage agreement without questioning their backgrounds. Every sensible human being in Imo state knows it. They are not that careless. So, they asked and never saw case of madness, health risk or stealing.

It can be verified, the Onwuliris sent the wife of Rt. Lt. Col. Madu from Umuoma Umuhu in Imo state to run a background check on their behalf. So, it can be good to wonder on if the woman they sent deceived them. It can never be the business of the Amaefulas. And again, if Christina who worked in Canada before her home coming for marriage was or is mad, I’m sure she will not be employable, at least based on Immigrant status.

Besides, while Chukwuemeka Osmond Onwuliri dated Christina before their marriage, did he not see signs of madness around her? Was he blinded with love that he never experienced and noticed the signs of madness? I’m just asking.

I beg your pardon, this is not the first time an issue of same such is happening in Our Lady’s home. She’s been accused of undue interferences in the marriage of her daughter a time. Yes, involving a retired banker and owner of a confectionary in Imo state. If not that the daughter is running back home with one compliant or the other, it will either be that the mother is raining abuses on the young and innocent man.

No Our Lady! You cannot be there and be here at the same time. You need to accept the responsibility of being a good mother, wife and father, since the late Prof. is not alive again. Issues concerning homes are meant to be handled with all decency, respect and carefulness. You need to start acting as a good mother to your entire family, even if you’ve not been found as one.

Turning the marriages of your children into hell will not place you on the pedestal of being a no-nonsense woman. Rather, it will destroy, and as well consume the good image of your family that was established by your late husband.

Imagine the case of a mother visiting the son and daughter in-law, yet, she comes with her own food in the flask, whereby accusing the son’s wife of planning to poison or eliminate her life. Yes Our Lady, you did it. It is wrong. Instead of creating a very wrong impression, why then are you visiting them? You should have avoided them by staying cool.

Even when matters concerning your children are being reported, you attack the reporters claiming you have the best and well-behaved children on earth. Our Lady, why? You have converted them by arming them against those accommodating their excesses and misbehavior.

Reading the clueless responses made by your son on different media platforms, one could imagine the high level of irresponsibility and confusion taking headways in his life. He stated a different thing on the documents filed at Court against Christina, while on his social media walls, he writes a different thing, and then tells the Press a different story. What a son, Our Lady!

Long time oppressed voices are thanking God for this matter, which makes it enabling for them all to air the evil melted on them. Is it the issue of assault, humiliation or abuse? People all gave accounts of their experiences with you and family. The only thing that stands in their hearts is that the late Prof was a good man. Meaning, he died with his goodwill, and family values. Our Lady, why?

Are you not seeing that the issue is moving out from the poor and oppressed Christina’s side, and now to the general public? The people are now airing their views, and not just views, but real life experiences.

In the process of your son’s actions against her, Christina lost two pregnancies. While beating her, her hairs pulled to the very level that she had to go on low-cut. She was locked in the toilet after being physically and mentally abused. The most painful act was when she took in again and delivered in Canada, she was left to take care of herself and baby alone in the home. Just her and the baby alone, and under her condition as a nursing mother?

Since you failed to count Christina’s two daughters as your children, you made your son to turn against them with abuse. Innocent children are now left with marks on their bodies. While growing up, you never took them in as your grand children, but you took away toys bought for them by another person to your other extended family. Even when your attention was called on, you just gave out the sum of three thousand naira to them for an up-keep, which makes it the first and only seen physical money you’ve ever given to them and their mother.

It pains me that most women see you as a role model to what a mother should be. And, I will not blame them because they don’t have much information about you, the real you at home. It is unfortunate that most of them struggling to be like you are even better than you. Yet, you are governing women in Churches, and in most public organizations. A woman who failed to manage her home, now managing women? Haba! What will you be teaching them?

You have failed as a woman, and you need God’s deliverance. Calling a right thinking Christina a mad woman at her very young age makes you an insincere human being on earth. Most people are asking why she will make the matter public. Why won’t she? Upon all the abuses and humiliation, you still conspired and took away her little babies. Yet, someone will be asking why she would?.

Where did she not take this matter to? She even took it to her marriage sponsors, and one of them tried seducing her to bed. Hell, she saw. Yet, you don’t give a damn?
Had she accepted going to bed with that very man, who knows the advice that would have come next to her? Maybe, it would have been to eliminate your son’s life, to save her the troubles, and to continue with the evil-filled man.

She turned down all demands to get her tempted against her beautiful wishes for a united family. And today, after studying the alleged accusations leveled against her, I never saw where she was called an adulterous woman. On that, I stand so tall in her defence.

From my one-on-one meeting with Christina and family, I never saw a sign of madness around them. I didn’t see. She was so cool, craving for love, but running away from being captured by the same love. Why? A depression of the past. She is being careful to accept a common word of “wait” or “run” from any human again, especially from the male sides. And I think this is one of the reasons why some divorced women stay single. Yes, they are afraid of past experiences in marriages that they wouldn’t want to have it again.

Be it as it may be, Christina told me a lot from her experience in marriage even as I can’t make them all public here. They are too messy. And she promised to say more if the matter fails to be resolved. From her speech, I think she wants peace to reign, even as she may not consider going back to the hell-filled marriage and home again.
Ugochukwu Favour-Mayor can be reached through his twitter handle: @UgochukwuFM

Source: Stella Dimiko Korkus

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