Oga Emeka and His New Bride - Story That Touch Part 2

Kelechi was by the balcony mopping the floor when she sighted oga Emeka's car drove into the compound, her heart skipped! she murmured to herself, "why is he home at this time? I hope he has not come to sleep with me as he usually do, mtchewwww, as if he does not have a wife! what kind of thing is this?".

Daddy welcome, Kelechi greeted him as he walked through the front door, "ehe...bia, drop what you doing, go and take your bath and  meet me in my room, inugo"? "yes sir, kelechi responded as she left with the mopping stick and bucket.

With a smile on his face and a satisfied body, Oga Emeka climbed down from the bed, reached for his trouser and shirt, turned to Kelechi..... "Remember to take that tablet I bought for you the last, I trust you kept it safe"? "yes I did".  Oga Emeka nodded, "Its okay, come over here".  " I 'av always told you that all your problems are solved, as long as you remain obedient to me and your Madam, therefore, this our secret must remain a secret. Now, take this money, give some to that bus driver to give your mother in the village, then use the remaining to buy your self some panties, bra and other things you may need, Okay"? "thank you sir replied Kelechi with a humble gesture. " take this one, I want to eat ji mmiri oku na azu ( yam pepper soup and fish) ...prepare it for me, I will be home early to eat it. inugo".

kelechi with a mixed feeling left Oga Emeka's room. happy that she will send some money to her poor mother in the village, but angry that she is being used in this manner, lost in thought she went back to her duty post.

Few weeks later, Udo was done with her exams and could not wait to be with her 'fiance'. Oga Emeka picked her up that evening to her apartment where she shareed with her friend. He was such in a happy/romantic mood...they spent the rest of the evening together.

" Mama Ekene, you remember the discussion I had with you sometime ago? Oga Emeka asked his wife as he walked into her room while adjusting his cap. Mama Ekene turned, Emee,  good morning sir,  " Morning, ..in a softer voice, " I want to commence the marriage rite proper for Udo, we have discussed this before and i just want to give you heads up on my next move. This weekend I will be traveling to the village to meet my kinsmen and conclude other discussion". Mama Ekene was speechless. She opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out, the pain and agony was written all over her.  Oga Emeka stood there staring at her as they stare at each other, flashes of memories flooded his head but he quickly waved them off, as he walked towards her and hugged her briefly and walked away leaving her standing there with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Keep a date with us for part 3 of this story.

 Also read:      http://www.lilianngozi.com/2016/02/oga-emeka-and-his-new-bride-story-that.html

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Exclusive story by Lilian Ngozi.

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