Oga Emeka and His New Bride - Story That Touch Part 4

Oga Emeka settled to eat his dinner that evening, beside him was Mama Ekene trying to arrange the plates of food she brought to the dining table.

“Kelechi’s Uncle called me this evening as I was driving into the compound, he said he wants to see me urgently”…..they both looked at each other at the same time….why? She asked. I wish I know, he just asked me to come to the village, I had already promised him I will be there Friday’s morning. I just hope all is well. Hmmmm his wife sighed … I hope her mother is not in a bad shape? …… Anyways in few hours we will know, my fear is that I have a lot of responsibility now, I can’t shoulder another one….. It’s okay; let’s eat first, his wife said.

At 10.30am oga Emeka’s car pulled into Mazi Ubochi’s compound, Mazi Ubochi was seated on his relaxation chair by the veranda of his bungalow. When he saw Oga Emeka’s car pull in, he stood up in preparation to welcome him, and at the same time he called out to his son; Uka ….”Go and call Kelechi and her mother, run!”

Oga Emeka : Chief, ututu oma ( good morning)

Mazi Ubochi : Nwoke Ike! Nwoke Ike! Nnoo. Kedu ka unu mere? Ndi ezi na ulo gi kwanu, okwa ha di mma? (Igbo pleasantries)  nnoo ooo

Oga Emeka : Imele (thank you)

Mazi Ubocho : Please come inside the house, we have a lot to discuss.

After the two men sat down, Mazi offered his guest some kola nut and palm wine. They both drank, as they discuss politics and the state of infrastructure in the state. Then mazi Ubochi cleared his throat, adjusted shirt, shifted forward and say… “Emeka, you are a full grown man, equal to handle any situation that confronts you, I must encourage you to take whatever I am about to tell you as a blessing in disguise. God has answered your prayers. …..Kelechi came back to give us pleasant news day before yesterday….”

Oga Emeka’s heart began to beat very fast; he started sweating in his shoes, the hairs on his arms stood up….. He thought “It’s Impossible”… Ubochi still talking…… Kelechi is pregnant! (He said it with a faint smile on the corner of his lips) silence………………………. Oga Emeka bowed his face to the ground.

How would he face this man, a man that gave him an innocent girl 5 years ago to be his house help, so young, so innocent (he watched her grow into a woman) but instead of being a father to her, he began to sleep with her for over 1 year now. 

He lifted his face with a sad look… “oh! my sin has found me out. Mazi I need your help; I will pay any amount you want, make this thing go away”.

Mazi Ubochi is a no nonsense man. He looked at Emeka and laughed. “Are you telling me that you don’t want this child? Is that what you are saying? You have only one child and our God has remembered you and you are rejecting it? “ No no no, Emeka cuts in,  I want the child, I will provide everything, she will stay here and have the baby, I will take care of them….. “oh no! You didn’t just say that? You know our tradition.. Mazi Ubochi continued, only in marriage will you lay claim to the child! I don’t have to remind you that?.... Emeka cuts in!  Chief, Chief … please help me, I know you can help me….. I am already engage to marry someone in 2 weeks, I can’t marry 3 women!... 

“O yes you can! If you can marry 2, you can also marry 3!  There is no going back… go back and come with your people before the pregnancy begins to show, we are done discussing this! You may go now, Mazi ubochi said as he points his hand to the front door.

Oga Emeka:  Chief Chief Please don’t get angry, let’s discuss this matter peacefully please… please
Chief Ubochi: what else do you want us to discuss (on a high tone) – this is a young girl that I gave to you to help your wife, what did you do? You turned her to your sex toy, sleep with her at will, now you are asking me to do what?.... …Kelechi! Kelechi!… papa, Kelechi answered from the backward, came running. She walked in slowly by the corner of the door… her eyes was so red and swollen, she was still crying. 

On seeing her face, Oga emeka’s heart was drawn to her, he saw a broken girl, so helpless, an orphan…. He felt pity and hated himself for putting her through all these. He stood up and pulled her to himself, wiped her tears and sad… Ndo..Everything will be fine.

Keep a date with us for the continuation of the story…… what will happen next? Will Oga Emeka agree to Marry Kelechi? What is Udo’s fate? 

Part 3 http://www.lilianngozi.com/2016/03/oga-emeka-and-his-new-bride-story-that_22.html#more

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