Are you raising A Solution or A problem ?

In order to appreciate the immense power nature invests in mothers particularly to do wonders through their  children.  Through this wonder our world  can be transformed;  one only need to look at the generational impact of my grandmother forcing my father into the kitchen, in order to appreciate this.

Since there is no doubt that children  (the leaders of tomorrow ) are more likely to spend more time with their  mothers  or mother figures during their formative period  (though exceptions may apply), and that they can only learn through observation,  and bearing in mind that the  leaders of today were once children who may have spent more time with their  mothers during their formative years, it beggars belief that men who have been and remain in charge of this world  are blind in terms of recognising the importance of motherhood  and the  critical role it plays in raising the children of this world.

If the brain is dormant, how will the hand know when or how to do its work? The brain needs to wake up now because there is massive congestion,  especially in view of all the hazard currently obtainable in the skyscraper  (looking at the two  metaphoric building above), it would amount to psychosis of immense proportions for mankind not to understand and appreciate that in girls and woman lie the answer to the world's problems! When one does not know,  one can plead ignorance as a mitigating circumstance, but when one is aware and still act stupidly,  one becomes foolish and the ultimate penalty is incurred. Humanity needs to start investing in all girls, mothers, and ,mothers-to-be so that they are able not only to guide  their children, but also to equip them with skill to navigate all the minefield capable of destroying them and the entire world, which are located in the skyscraper.

Currently,  a lot of children are left to navigate this minefield on their  own. Some are picking up  ideas from their peers, and some mothers who are spending more time with their children are either  not equipped to guide their children,  or have bad habits of their  own to add to what their children are already  picking  up. For example, the use of bad language and / or abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs even in  the presence of their  children; perhaps that's  all they learnt from their own parents.  Their children observe and pick these habits up and are likely to replicate,  minimise,  or enhance them depending on other influences.  The impact of this can be felt and seen on our streets today;  many of these children have turned into 'boats' that are tossed about by any winf that engages them, because they are not  deep-rooted in sound,  well- in- formed, ethical and moral values.

Do not forget that we are now living in a world in which mobile phones can detonate bombs,  and almost everyone has a mobile phone.

Imagine a word where all parents, especially mothers who are spending more time with their babies during their formative years,  are academically and morally equipped to face up  to the challenges of parenting.  A world where all babies from day one are taught to appreciate the importance of life and the responsibility everyone  has to the self and others to preserve  life. A world where children are made to understand that,  they are not only vital component of their families;  but also of their  communities and the world as a whole.  A world where all children are natured, the content of the gadget they use are vetted, thier time is structured,  and they are made to separate fiction from reality at an appropriate time. Imagine  a world  where  all  children are natured to understand that though all fingers are not equal, they are all equally important to the efficiency and effectiveness of the hand and each has a purpose and peculiar role to play;  and that the deficiency of one finger contributes  to the reduction in efficiency of the hand,  and that if the mouth feeds alone and the rest of the body dies, the mouth will have no dwelling place and will consequently die. Imagine, also, a world where all children from an early stage understand the importance of respect, love,  caring, sharing, patience , and, above all,understand and appreciate the 'all - important '  need for 'differentness' and diversity; no one  would ever have have known  who  they were  or  what they represented if everyone was the same.

Culled from the book " the  humility of the brain "

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