Domestic Abuse: Why You Must Stop Beating Your Wife!

The ills of domestic abuse cannot be over emphasized. it's a topic that is being talked about on different media platforms

Yesterday, a young man pleaded with me to say something concerning domestic abuses and his story did not surprise me at all..

Here is it....

The story of a young woman who got into marriage without scrutinizing the kind of man she was getting married too. Many might blame her for jumping into marriage without talking time to study the kind of man she will be spending her life with, but that is immaterial because there are countless marriages where couple didn't know themselves much but today their marriage is blossoming, therefore, it is not how long but how well.

Having said that. The two started their life together and within a short while the young man lost his job and that was when all hell was let loose. Have you realized that this is common among men? Once they lose their job or the business is failing, they turn to their wives and start abusing her. WHY? your wife ought to be your strength, pillar and support at those trying times, why abuse her? What are you afraid of?

This young woman is working and without complain she began to shoulder all the responsibilities in the house and what did she get in return...BEATINGS!

He continued to batter her even while pregnant! Damn! who does that? Your wife is pregnant with your child and instead of pampering her, you are abusing her? What specie of men are you from? Those men that pamper their wives are they stupid? Those that spoil their wives, are you better than them?
See a jobless man wanting to become authority, you can't beat respect out of woman! You cant even instill fear in her, when you beat a woman in marriage you toughen her up.

I know his fellow men will want to make an excuse for him that its possible that she was being unapologetic, disrespectful, bossy etc. Sorry to burst your bubbles, his reason was that she is in close relationship with her parents and share their family issues with them. but sir, there is limit to what each and everyone of us can take, maybe she needed someone to talk to, besides what is wrong in talking to one's parents? I agree that things should be kept under wrap while in marriage, but what justification does she have since you beat her up at every provocation .

She got pregnant again for the second child and you didn't stop.......
No one loves to be beaten, not even you mister, So if we all hate it why do you do it another person? Infact why do it to yourself, because you are one with your wife.

This post will not end Abuses but it might limit it among our youths.

Decide today that no matter the extent of provocation, you will not lift your hand against any woman.

Say No to Abuses!