Saturday, July 29, 2017

Nigerians Are Cowards: A Man Brutalized By Governor's Aides In Jalingo (SEE PHOTOS)

Beyond the way Nigerians are treated in several places like the hospitals, Airports/ airlines , shops,  banks, public offices  by their leaders and other Nigerians ...beyond all that,  I have not seen a people so cowed like Nigerians and our upbringing should be blamed for it. Yes ! Abuses  by our parents, elderly ones and the society have made us accept just anything from anyone.  Our leaders play God  over us and can treat us as they please without us revolting. Same thing applies in other public places.  We are just a bunch of cowards,  no wonder the mentality to just grab and leave....." once I can make something for me and my children I am good" . Do you even wonder what type of society we  are building for these children we protect so much?

Other Nigerians kept quiet and this man was maltreated because he voiced out a wrong! Shame on all of us. Shame shame shame!

They will continue to trample on us until we wake up.
Customer service  in Nigeria is zero
Leadership  is zero
Insisting on high standard of items by SON - zero
Customer's right - zero
Public complain- zero
Attention to petitions- zero
Public outcry and opinions- zero
Public services- zero
Lazy journalism
Lazy law enforcement
Lazy leaders
Lazy country.

Lawmakers can't  even make people oriented policies and laws ( bunch of self serving lots)

What a people what a country!

Since we can't voice out in public places,  can we at least  hide behind our Iphones,  Mac and other devices to spread this news and end this maltreatment in the name of governance and public service.

Picture credit: IB9JA

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