Wendy Williams Faints During Her show [WATCH VIDEO]
How you doing.....🙌👐👐👐
Wendy williams scared everyone when she passed out on Live television whole hosting her Halloween show.
Wendy whose halloween costume was the statue of liberty was introducing the hot topics when she suddenly started shaking before loosing grip of her self as she lands on the concrete floor.
The video that has gone viral on twitter got fans worried and scared.
The obvious strong Wendy returned after some lengthy commercial break to complete the show but affirmed that it was not a stunt but real.
"That was not a stunt. I overheated in my costume I did pass out
Other news reporters explained that Wendy's representative affirmed the incident and blamed it on dehydration. He further confirmed that she was okay
"She is ok and will continue her shows as planned. She will address this on-air tomorrow," her rep told Fox news
"She has never missed a day of work and is looking forward on November 13th to her 1500th show."
I hope is very okay.
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