Thursday, January 11, 2018

Save your Heart Use Natural S**ual Enhancer

Someone sent me a write up that he claimed came from a Doctor. The article says that men in the bid to satisfy their women are consuming enhancement drugs to aid their performance in the bedroom. These drugs abi substance have negative effect to the heart thereby cause cardiac arrest and killing husbands silently.
The write up went ahead be berate women for demanding for more in the bedroom.

My response - There is a common saying among men that 'something must kill a man' and dying the way you came to the world is a good death', so why are you people complaining? Is madam forcing you to perform? ..well. well... If you don't take care of your ministry, another will help you! Simple!

When I said you should make love to your woman's soul I didn't mean pound her like fufu.. That is the problem with most of you... you believe its all in the pounding. wrong!

Statistics have revealed that most women cum not by penetration..... Anyways.... Its 20k per lecture NOTE. ( pay and pick your copy)

On serious note guys, you don't need all them Burantashi and assorted enhancer to make your woman happy, however, if you need help in the bedroom, there are few natural tips you can work on.. The problem is that most of you are so much in a hurry to 'Nyoo' ... sorry to perform.

Start by changing your diet! Alcohol does you no good! keep away from it! Spirit abi ghost is killing your cells ..RUN!
Run from Sugar and too much carbs... more protein, vegi, nuts, fruits....

Start your morning with health smoothie or a cup of green tea with honey, relax in the evening with green smoothie, exercise, relax your mind ......

If you have a busy or lazy wife that will not prepare it. DO IT YOURSELF! you have two hands and two legs. go to the market, get your fruits and vegis, come home and prepare it for yourself.

Remember the natural magic juice.....Tiger nut, dates, a little ginger to ginger your swagger add coconut too and you will testify....

Its me Lilianngoziblog

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