In this season of continue infidelity in marriages, I thought to bring light to this problem and give a few suggestions on how to navigates when stuck in a boring s** life in marriage. 

What exactly constitutes a dry patch? (putting aside the pressure many couples in long term relationship or marriages put on themselves to keep up with the p*rn- stars they can hear moaning in ecstasy every night in the adjoining apartment).

Its is normal for s**ual frequency to fluctuate initially, when you meet someone, its about the fantasy of what you imagine them to be. As time goes on, the endorphins fades and s** can become boring. Good s** requires putting time aside to be sexually creative to re-bond and keep the erotic tension alive.

Boredom is the biggest libido – depressor after tiredness caused by a poor work/ life balance, from where I sit most people diminish their relationship by not investing (time and energy) in themselves. “they invest in work and in parenting but not in the themselves.

Because we ‘re time- poor and accustomed to instance gratification. When s** dwindles in a relationship, women often choose to rush out to purchase expensive lingerie, stilettos or s** toys, seeing them as a quick and easy way to heat things up between the sheets. The idea that they need to make time for their partners or take the responsibility to be proactive and creative in finding ways to secure their partners using the intimate knowledge they have, is not consider a sexy enough solution.

S** doesn’t happen in a vacuum; we need to create a pro s**ual attitude and erotic space in our lives if we want to have regular s**. We need to spare mental & Physical energy to put into our relationships and our s** lives, otherwise emotional and s**ual intimacy will disappear.

What constitute success in long term relationship in a couple’s capacity to know that when they hit a dry patch, they can negotiate their ways through it. It doesn’t therefore, become a catastrophe if he loses his erection for a while or if motherhood is dampening her libido – they pull together and look at the bigger picture, secure in the knowledge they’re not going to regret or abandon each other.
They discuss strategies to overcome the problem rather then turning it into some shameful secret. And if they ‘re still struct, they’re willing to consult a professional for advice.

They first question that should be asked to woman that lacks interest in her partner.” How is your relationship?” unhappiness, resentment and loss of mutual goodwill are among the most common causes of loss of libido in women when affection disappears along with s**, it’s significant sign you’re in trouble, put simple. You can’t have good s** in a bad relationship.

For instance, you can’t expect to be raring to go if you’re fighting about the same thing constantly, Bad feeling” from unresolved arguments tend to follow couples into the bedroom. Unless a concerted effort is made to continually resolve issues, s**ual frequency and quality will suffer. When there is no reward to reinforce s**ual desire, it faced rapidly or maybe you have doubt about his commitment to you or a good reason to doubt him. “lies & deceit,” once discovered, have a negative impact on the relationship ‘loss of trust usually spells the end of s**ual chemistry, while being faithful creates a safe heaven for parties to be fully free and open, both inside and outside the bedroom. 

So, infidelity aside, when do you give up on him and reclaim your s** life?

When you feel you can’t be heard, when you never have any fun together or when the relationship is very hard work, then it comes to the point where you have to asked yourself; why am I here? when you’re bored with the other person and you’re bored with yourself in the relationship, when you stop being respectful, when you stop brushing your teeth because you’re not going to kiss him. Anyways, those are big signs. You’re moved on emotionally. 

Relationship is fixable when one or both partners no longer wish to work on it but if both partner are willing to try to make things better there is hope for every relationship.