Tinubu Manifesto: A Thorough Dissect: (INTERESTING READ)

A twitter user with account @ Esteembehemoth has interrogated the released APC presidential manifesto..


Read him..

"(Please note that I am very much open to any form of debate on my positions on this document).

Walk with me PLEASE.

1. It is thin, peripheral, superficial, drab, unsavory, evasive & vague.

2. Thoughtless projections.

3. The numbers are not adding up or in any way corroborating with existing figures. A good example are the housing & GDP stats.

4. It is not quantitative & written to confuse.

5. There was an attempt to deliberately pose embarrassing figures since it is widely believed that Nigerian voters are generally "illiterates" & real literates don't even vote.

6. An attempt to bamboozle the public with unrealistic promises to increase oil output to 4 million

barrels without putting explorations, discoveries, FIDs, capital spendings, new installations into consideration. Meanwhile, It took us over 20 good years to get from 1.4m in 1987 to 2.5m barrels in 2007. 

7. They're projecting an average GDP growth of about 10%. 

Haba APC!!!

not even China's GDP growth averaged 10% over a decade.

 Average GDP growth of 10% per annum would imply that some years will see growth in excess of 10%, say 15%, because there'll be years with single digit growth. Meanwhile, 2022 is going to see less than 4% o.


8. They're promising an unbelievable $780Bn GDP figure by 2027? When in fact a N550b mark by 2027 will be a miracle considering their thoughtless projections? 


9. They are promising to grow oil production by nearly 𝟮𝟬𝟬% in 𝟳 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀? How?


10. On housing, APC is promising that an economy with a debt burden of N42trn and a paltry revenue of N9.7trn will increase its housing units by 4.0 in 2023 to 8.0 in 2024 in successive progression per year.


Guys, I dare say that the document is bereft of the HOWs and the WHENs. It was drafted with the intention to confuse.

For me, this is not a policy document, but a PIPE DREAM at best. If we juxtapose it with the promises they made before, we have reasons to be very scared.

Fellow Nigerians, I have played my role/part. It is now your turn to do yours by VOTING WISELY.